Our story begins somewhere around the Baltimore Maryland area during the month of August, 1997. In the midst of chasing Lou Gehrig's hallowed MLB record of consecutive games played Cal Ripken signs up to play a round of golf in a local Celebrity Pro-AM. Upon arriving at the course Ripken is informed that his playing partner for the day will be Hollywood film star and avid baseball fan Kevin Costner. The two play their round and apparently have such an enjoyable time that the hospitable Ripken invites Costner to the family home for dinner that evening. The two dine with Ripken's wife Kelly and at the conclusion of the meal Ripken heads off to the ballpark for a night game against the Seattle Mariners leaving Costner and Kelly at home. Somewhere along the way to the ballpark Ripken realizes he'd forgotten his mitt and promptly returns home to retrieve it. Once home, Ripken walks in and is greeted with the pleasant image of Costner slamming his wife like she's Kelli McCarty. Obviously disturbed, Ripken phones the club to inform them that he will not be playing in that evening's game. Orioles owner Peter Angelos pleads with Ripken to play, reminding him that the streak he has worked so long for would be lost. Ripken maintains that he still won't play, he just caught his wife sleeping with Kevin Costner. Undaunted, Angelos concludes the conversation by telling Ripken not too worry, and that he would "take care of it." Mysteriously, the entire city of Baltimore experienced a power outtage that very same evening. It's pretty hard to play baseball when you can't see so the Umps decided it would be best to call the game. Whether the event was an act of God or contrived has yet to be verified. The one thing we can verify is that on September 20th 1998, Cal Ripken took the night off against the New York Yankees ending baseballs consecutive games played streak at 2,632.
Call me crazy but I want to believe stories like this are true. I want to believe that Wade Boggs drank 64 Miller Lites on a cross country road trip to Seattle. I want to believe that the night Phil Mickleson won his 1st Green Jacket he cheated on his wife Amy, and to get even she slept with Michael Jordan. I want to believe that the reason why we have to wait until the post season to see Harold Reynolds on TV now is because he and Bonnie Bernstein got loaded one night and had sex in the back of a car and Bonnie claims to have no recollection of the incident. In the real world things like this happen everyday (maybe not pounding 64 beers in 8hrs) but because the names of those involved aren't affiliated with film,TV,or sports they rarely raise an eyebrow. Thats part of the reason I want to believe these stories. That and the fact that they're just way too awesome to brush off as mere hearsay.
I've also heard Brett Bielema slept with Erin Andrews. And I'm believing that one too. If that's the case then there's hope for all of us.
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ReplyDeleteIn any case, Ripken had already broken Gehrig’s record by Sep. 1995.